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Skills Support for the Workforce





Skills Support for the Workforce (SSW) is a programme developed to upskill employees within small and medium-sized businesses.

We are a training provider of recognised accredited qualifications and courses to enhance your employees’ skills, increase the competitiveness of your business and boost the local economy. We work with employers to develop a bespoke programme of learning which could include taster units, full qualifications, support with Maths, English & ICT and support progressing employees within work or into further learning or an apprenticeship.

The SSW Programme is delivered by Serco and co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) to provide a wide range of training and can be accessed at no cost to your business.

Professional Development Courses for Health & Social Care Workers
Further your professional development in Health & Social Care with one of these nationally recognised Level two qualifications. The courses are designed to improve knowledge of key areas within the sector and evident competency within your role. 
If you are an employer, we can help to upskill your staff, enabling them to learn at a convenient time without having to attend college. 
Download our leaflets for more information on each course:
Please contact us to find out more information about SSW or email susan.arthur@acorntraining.co.uk

SSW Case study